Saturday, July 31, 2010

Half Way Home!!

Just a small note, because I wanted to recognize this milestone in the deployment...

This past week we reached the best estimated half-way point of the deployment! Notice I said "estimated" because while we're expecting Chris's battalion to return during the first week of November, this will probably change at least three more times before he actually steps on US soil. But, even so, it's something to celebrate! :)

Along with celebrating, Chris and I also want to thank everyone who has been praying for us and all of the troops overseas and to ask for your continued prayers. I can't express how much they truly have been felt by both of us over these past months. God has blessed us in so many ways throughout this deployment. Actually, "blessed" doesn't even seem to justly describe it. Besides getting to talk to Chris via email on an almost daily basis (except for communication blackouts) and talking to him on the phone a few times every week, the absolute peace that God has placed on my heart is truly amazing and is a testament to the comfort only our God can provide. I can't describe it, and I can't explain it, but it's there, and I am so grateful. One particular scripture has been very powerful to me: "Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10 ) Whenever I start to feel sad, lonely, or worried, this reminds me that God and only God is in absolute control. He holds both Chris and I in the palm of His hand, and He will never give us anything that we cannot handle. And in this moment of realization, my heart finds that indescribable peace. God is so good!

The "half-way point" is also notoriously hard for the servicemen and women overseas. They have now been there for over three months and while "half-way" is something to be happy about, it also comes with the realization that they still have as much time as they've already been there to go before they come home. So I hope you'll join me in praying for peace and patience in their hearts during this time, as well.

Yay for Half Way!!! :)


Andrea Posson said...

Katie, you are such a good writer! I love reading your "articles"! And of course I'll keep praying for you both! I can't wait for him to be home!!! Love you!

Debra Grace said...

Yes, Katie, you are very gifted with words! I understand what you mean when you say you have experienced God's peace - I felt that very same power when Tommy and I were in Houston for his cancer treatments. I knew without a doubt that we were in the palm of His hand, and I can honestly say I was not anxious or scared during that time. He truly did give me, though undeserving as I am, that perfect peace that only He can provide. Your psalm, as you can well guess, is my very favorite as well. God bless you and Chris with continued peace and love.